The Tom Dawson Trophy belongs to the winner of the Snowball Derby, the Guitar is given out at Fairgrounds Speedway in Nashville for the All American 400, Martinsville rewards winners with a Ridgeway Grandfather Clock. Now there’s a new special trophy that’s arrived to the racing scene.
Like at Kentucky Speedway you get a Crosley jukebox for winning, Meridian Speedway gives it’s winners a unique trophy that features the town’s water tower that’s behind the track. The SMART Modified Tour will showcase a brand newly created trophy at the next scheduled event which stands to be Caraway Speedway in July. The tour director Chris Williams extended his personal thoughts about generic trophies.
“Traditionally winners are presented column trophies.” Said a reluctant Williams. “I was looking for something completely different. I wanted something so unique and interesting that the drivers will be shocked and astonished to see it. I want those drivers to keep coming back to claim one of these uniquely created trophies.”
There’s so many unique trophies in short track racing, national series and other forms of motorsports, so after Williams thought of the vision, he needed to figure out how to extract it from his head to paper (actually a computer) and create this magnificent trophy.
“I had this idea bouncing around in my head of what it should look like and man it looked pretty good.” Williams optimistically thought. “It looked so good, but how am I going to extract this idea out of my head to reality? I had a big problem, I didn’t know anyone could put my idea to paper and create it. After calling a old friend Curt Bruns I found the solution in Jostens.Yes the same company that creates custom trophies and presents championship rings to the Motorsports Industry, NFL, MLB and other Sports Leagues.
Once Williams had talked to Curt and the creative team at Jostens, ideas started flowing and he realized the trophy was coming to life. After so much consideration of what the trophy mold should look like, Williams was still looking for the uniqueness of all trophies. How can they make something so unique and historic that represents the history of the SMART Tour, it honors the past drivers of this region and the true legends of the modifieds?
“This trophy looks amazing!” Stated Williams. “The trophy will be recognized for what’s featured on it, you’re gonna see all the greats of modified racing and it’s heroes in it. We didn’t want to just honor the great southern modified drivers like Hendrick, Radford, Worley, Max Berrier, Perk Brown to name a few, we wanted to honor the legends from up north as well, because they’re the ones who made the sport as one. We want to honor the northern based legends such Richie Evans, Cook, Charlie J, Flemke Sr, Bugsy and Fred DeSarro to name a few. I feel like we will bring all of their legacies together with this trophy.”
“I thought what could be the name? It needed to be just as cool as the trophy. We mentioned numerous ideas and someone from the team at Jostens said what about SMARTY? Well there’s a Wally, there could be a SMARTY, I like it!